Moddroid - Android Free Download Theme For WordPress v7.5

WordPress Theme for Moddroid by with License Key

A WordPress plugin and theme called Moddroid Theme offers a simple and practical way to post APKs. Users can post more than 1,000 APKs with only three easy steps and without the effort of copying and pasting. To make it simpler for customers to develop their websites, Moddroid Themes provides a unique theme that comes packaged with a beautiful appearance.

In just a few simple steps, you can post more than 1,000 APKs. You can now upload APK articles in 3 simple steps without any bother or time-wasting copy-and-paste. In just a few days, you could already have a website similar to It's time for you to start an APK website.

Features of the Moddroid WordPress theme 

Features The premium version of Moddroid Themes offers a ton of innovative and intriguing features that will make managing and creating website content a breeze. The features that are offered include:

  • Responsive: By being responsive, both the plugin and the theme make sure that the website appears excellent on all devices.
  • Users may effortlessly extract APKs and download them from a variety of sources, including the Google Play Store, by clicking on the appropriate link.
  • Users have the choice of either manually creating material for their website or having content automatically generated.
  • Create a page just for downloading APKs with this functionality, which makes it simpler for users' visitors to find and obtain the downloads.
  • Automatic Category: By automating the creation of categories for users, Moddroid Themes does away with the necessity for manual labor.

  • SEO-Friendly: By being search engine optimized, the plugin and theme, the website will appear highly in search results.
  • Using the widget for featured games or applications, users can highlight their favorite games or apps on their website.
  • Mobile-Friendly: By using a mobile-friendly plugin and theme, the website will function properly on mobile devices.
  • Speedy Loading: Moddroid Themes are made to load quickly, giving users a smooth experience.
  • Users can swiftly and simply traverse through pages using the numbered page navigation tool.
  • Adsense Ready: Users can monetize their website because the plugin and theme are Adsense ready.
  • Users can simply share articles on social media platforms by using the social share buttons.
  • Google Play and download buttons are available for users to include on their websites.
  • The Most Popular Games & Apps Page feature enables users to showcase the most well-liked games and applications on a specific page.
  • Breadcrumbs: By showing the user's location on the website, this feature facilitates easier website navigation.
  • Recent Posts Widget: This widget allows users to show recent posts.
  • Software Apps Schemas: This function makes it simple to classify and arrange software apps.
  • A collection of millions of extractor APK apps that are prepared to run in order to generate posts automatically and articles automatically is known as automatic post generation.
  • Automatic Category Post: Moddroid Themes automatically creates categories, so there is no need to do it yourself.
  • Link for Automatic Download: This function enables users to

Download Theme


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