How to create UI Designing Music player web app
Hello Developer, In this blog We teach you how to create a simple UI Designing Music Player Using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT.
Before you start writing code first you create a folder and files then write a music player code so without wasting your time let's get started.
You will create a HTML file and a CSS file then create a javascript file Ex:- index.html, style.css, script.js
So now let's learn about
Here is HTML code now you copy this code and paste in your code editor in index.html file.
<div class="wrapper" id="app">
<div class="player">
<div class="player__top">
<div class="player-cover">
<transition-group :name="transitionName">
<div class="player-cover__item" v-if="$index === currentTrackIndex" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${track.cover})` }" v-for="(track, $index) in tracks" :key="$index"></div>
<div class="player-controls">
<div class="player-controls__item -favorite" :class="{ active : currentTrack.favorited }" @click="favorite">
<svg class="icon">
<use xlink:href="#icon-heart-o"></use>
</divfundamentals of computer
<a :href="currentTrack.url" target="_blank" class="player-controls__item">
<svg class="icon">
<use xlink:href="#icon-link"></use>
<div class="player-controls__item" @click="prevTrack">
<svg class="icon">
<use xlink:href="#icon-prev"></use>
<div class="player-controls__item" @click="nextTrack">
<svg class="icon">
<use xlink:href="#icon-next"></use>
<div class="player-controls__item -xl js-play" @click="play">
<svg class="icon">
<use xlink:href="#icon-pause" v-if="isTimerPlaying"></use>
<use xlink:href="#icon-play" v-else></use>
<div class="progress" ref="progress">
<div class="progress__top">
<div class="album-info" v-if="currentTrack">
<div class="album-info__name">{{ currentTrack.artist }}</div>
<div class="album-info__track">{{ }}</div>
<div class="progress__duration">{{ duration }}</div>
<div class="progress__bar" @click="clickProgress">
<div class="progress__current" :style="{ width : barWidth }"></div>
<div class="progress__time">{{ currentTime }}</div>
<div v-cloak></div>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="github-btn">
See on GitHub
<svg xmlns="" hidden xmlns:xlink="">
<symbol id="icon-heart-o" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M22.88 1.952c-2.72 0-5.184 1.28-6.88 3.456-1.696-2.176-4.16-3.456-6.88-3.456-4.48 0-9.024 3.648-9.024 10.592 0 7.232 7.776 12.704 15.072 17.248 0.256 0.16 0.544 0.256 0.832 0.256s0.576-0.096 0.832-0.256c7.296-4.544 15.072-10.016 15.072-17.248 0-6.944-4.544-10.592-9.024-10.592zM16 26.56c-4.864-3.072-12.736-8.288-12.736-14.016 0-5.088 3.040-7.424 5.824-7.424 2.368 0 4.384 1.504 5.408 4.032 0.256 0.608 0.832 0.992 1.472 0.992s1.248-0.384 1.472-0.992c1.024-2.528 3.040-4.032 5.408-4.032 2.816 0 5.824 2.304 5.824 7.424 0.064 5.728-7.808 10.976-12.672 14.016z"></path>
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Here you can see it's a music player CSS code so now copy this code and paste in your code editor in 4444r43
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First Javascript Code
So now Developer let's copy this code and paste it in your code editor script.js file
design by BihariGraphic
I can't find any open music api or mp3 api so i have to download all musics as mp3 file.
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
audio: null,
circleLeft: null,
barWidth: null,
duration: null,
currentTime: null,
isTimerPlaying: false,
tracks: [
name: "Mekanın Sahibi",
artist: "Norm Ender",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: false
name: "Everybody Knows",
artist: "Leonard Cohen",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: true
name: "Extreme Ways",
artist: "Moby",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: false
name: "Butterflies",
artist: "Sia",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: false
name: "The Final Victory",
artist: "Haggard",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: true
name: "Genius ft. Sia, Diplo, Labrinth",
artist: "LSD",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: false
name: "The Comeback Kid",
artist: "Lindi Ortega",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: true
name: "Overdose",
artist: "Grandson",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: false
name: "Rag'n'Bone Man",
artist: "Human",
cover: "",
source: "",
url: "",
favorited: false
currentTrack: null,
currentTrackIndex: 0,
transitionName: null
methods: {
play() {
if ( {;
this.isTimerPlaying = true;
} else {;
this.isTimerPlaying = false;
generateTime() {
let width = (100 / *;
this.barWidth = width + "%";
this.circleLeft = width + "%";
let durmin = Math.floor( / 60);
let dursec = Math.floor( - durmin * 60);
let curmin = Math.floor( / 60);
let cursec = Math.floor( - curmin * 60);
if (durmin < 10) {
durmin = "0" + durmin;
if (dursec < 10) {
dursec = "0" + dursec;
if (curmin < 10) {
curmin = "0" + curmin;
if (cursec < 10) {
cursec = "0" + cursec;
this.duration = durmin + ":" + dursec;
this.currentTime = curmin + ":" + cursec;
updateBar(x) {
let progress = this.$refs.progress;
let maxduration =;
let position = x - progress.offsetLeft;
let percentage = (100 * position) / progress.offsetWidth;
if (percentage > 100) {
percentage = 100;
if (percentage < 0) {
percentage = 0;
this.barWidth = percentage + "%";
this.circleLeft = percentage + "%"; = (maxduration * percentage) / 100;;
clickProgress(e) {
this.isTimerPlaying = true;;
prevTrack() {
this.transitionName = "scale-in";
this.isShowCover = false;
if (this.currentTrackIndex > 0) {
} else {
this.currentTrackIndex = this.tracks.length - 1;
this.currentTrack = this.tracks[this.currentTrackIndex];
nextTrack() {
this.transitionName = "scale-out";
this.isShowCover = false;
if (this.currentTrackIndex < this.tracks.length - 1) {
} else {
this.currentTrackIndex = 0;
this.currentTrack = this.tracks[this.currentTrackIndex];
resetPlayer() {
this.barWidth = 0;
this.circleLeft = 0; = 0; = this.currentTrack.source;
setTimeout(() => {
if(this.isTimerPlaying) {;
} else {;
}, 300);
favorite() {
this.tracks[this.currentTrackIndex].favorited = !this.tracks[
created() {
let vm = this;
this.currentTrack = this.tracks[0]; = new Audio(); = this.currentTrack.source; = function() {
}; = function() {
}; = function() {
this.isTimerPlaying = true;
// this is optional (for preload covers)
for (let index = 0; index < this.tracks.length; index++) {
const element = this.tracks[index];
let link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = "prefetch";
link.href = element.cover; = "image"
Second Javascript Code
This JavaScript code is very important for running your music player web app, so now copy this script code and add </body> to your HTML code. paste first
<script src=''></script>
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