How to create UI Designing Music player web app
PREVIEW Hello Developer, In this blog We teach you how to create a simple UI Designing Music Player Using HTML , CSS , JAVASCRIPT . Before you start writing code first you create a folder and files then write a music player code so without wasting your time let's get started. You will create a HTML file and a CSS file then create a javascript file Ex:- index.html, style.css , script.js So now let's learn about Here is HTML code now you copy this code and paste in your code editor in index.html file. <div class="wrapper" id="app"> <div class="player"> <div class="player__top"> <div class="player-cover"> <transition-group :name="transitionName"> <div class="player-cover__item" v-if="$index === currentTrackIndex" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${track.cover}...