
Showing posts from November, 2021

How to create a Contact us page card view using only HTML, and CSS from scratch

Hello Developers, In this artical I will teach you, How to create a Contact us page card view using only HTML, and CSS from scratch so now let's get started. If you have any problem then you can watch the video. So now let's Write the HTML and CSS code  PREVIEW JOIN OUR GROUP Downloading... Download File BihariGraphic: Join our Telegram Channel and Discussion Group to get Daily Update's and Idea's Here is HTML code Go to your Blogger account and create a new page then Click to HTML view and paste code over here <div class="main-box"> <div class="second-box"> <div class="card-box"> <img src="https://...

Silo Premium free - Structural & SEO Blogger Template

Preview Template information :- Silo is a lovely template with many beneficial capabilities. this template is suitable for blogs and magazines. this template has shuffling gadgets. this template's gadget and interior layout are outstanding. this design consists of a number of widgets for displaying classified ads in your website. there are precise panels and included gadgets available for your enjoyment. this option template is simple and well-targeted. this is a robust template that you could edit inLayout. this template loads quickly and is seo pleasant. there's no need to be concerned approximately the ranking cause. Template Details Nama Silo Author Piki Templates Versi v.1.0.0 Released On November 23, 2021 Advance Posts Share Supported Website Platform Blogger Disqus, Facebook Comments Available Last Updated November 24, 2021 Template Features 100% Responsive One-Click Dark Mode ...

Nikk-UI Premium License Colorful Blogger Template free Download

Preview Nikk ui blogger templates is a top notch template with a bendy design that loads lots quicker than you may think inside the browser. we used a number of high-stage optimization techniques to achieve this. we additionally display how a user may make use of a popular publish as opposed to the highlighted submit in a photo. you can additionally employ jquery, but this is definitely as much as you. this layout has a easy, colourful look and some of sophisticated degree gadgets. . Capabilities:- nikk ui is one of the mostSearch engine optimization-pleasant and nicely-optimized blogger templates available on the market. it is meant to provide bloggers access to all of an app store's capabilities. nikk ui is a one-of-a-kind website that follows current on line high-quality practises. Rapid &responsive:- nikk ui is one of the templates with the fastest loading instances. it is also cell-friendly and responsive. nikk ui is well suited...

Image Slider Using HTML, CSS, and javaScript from scratch

HELLO Developer in this post I teach you how to create image slider simply use HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming codes. I have designed many more types of Coding Tutorial before. Hope you like this design like other designs. This kind of slider is used at the homepage or picture gallery of numerous web sites. essentially an internet developer uses jquery or exclusive varieties of plugins to create these. JOIN OUR GROUP If you need to create an photograph slider with html, css and javascript best with none jquery or plugin then this article will simply assist you. for this you need to have an concept about simple html, css and javascript then you could understand the following programming codes. Let's Write Codes :- In this situation i used three images and used a white border round this slider. in this case i've used two buttons to change the pictures. i used javascript programming code to spark off these buttons. You need these files create...

Create Psychedelic jellyfish shader from single icosahedron from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Hello Developer, In this article I teach you how to create jellyfish psychedelic jellyfish shader from single icosahedron from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Now let's get's started.  HTML CODE HERE :- <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Bihari Graphic Psychedelic Jellyfish </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css"> </head> <body> <!-- partial:index.partial.html --> <canvas id="canvas" /> <script type="x-shader" id="shader_vertex"> #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 const float TAU = PI * 2.0; uniform float u_time; varying vec3 v_mod_pos; varying vec3 v_orig_pos; varying float v_tail_bumps; varying float v_head_swirl; varying float v_head_bumps; float get_area(float begin, float end, float value) { return step(begin, value) - step(end, value); } fl...

MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows, Using GCC with MinGW-w64 Installation Process in windows 10

MinGW-w64 Hello Developer, In This artical I teach you How to instsll  MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows. The mingw-w64 project is a complete runtime environment for gcc to support binaries native to Windows 64-bit and 3 2-bit operating systems. Using GCC with MinGW In this tutorial, you configure visual studio code to apply the gcc c++ compiler (g++) and gdb debugger from mingw-w64 to create programs that run on windows. After configuring vs code, you will compile and debug a easy (Hello World Program) in vs code. this educational does now not train you about gcc , gdb, mingw-w64, or the c++ language. for those topics, there are many correct resources available on the internet. If you have any issues, experience free to file an problem for this educational inside the vs code Documentation repository. How to install MinGW-w64 C Compiler :-  Get the modern version of mingw-w64 via MSYS2 , which affords updated local builds of gcc , mingw-w64, and other beneficial ...

QR Code Generator | Create Your Free QR Codes scratch the usage of html and css ?

Qr-code-generator Code Download Demo Hello Developer's  In this post, we will create a qr code generator from scratch the using of html, css, and javascript. so i will count on you've got fundamental expertise of html, css, and javascript, that is, you ought to understand the primary html tags and the way to link the css and javascript files to html files. Using HTML to create qr Code generator from scratch let's write HTML Code use this method HTML CODE HERE <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css"> </head> <body> <div class="main-qu"> <div class="owner"><h1></h1></div> <div class="qr-code-generator"> <input type="text" class="qr-url" placeholder="URL or Text"> <input type="number" class="qr-si...

How to create a profile card scratch the usage of html and css ?

create a profile card  scratch Demo Hello Developer, In this article, we're teach you . how  to create a profile card  scratch from in which a user can test out the primary info of other customers and hook up with them via exceptional handles in addition to can message the consumer. Method: First of all, we create a html document wherein we do following things: Create a field which contains all the statistics. Upload profile image of the person. Add links of various social media handles. Add a button for messaging. Then, we create a css record in which we apply distinct forms of styling assets for our html tags. In the end, we hyperlink our css document to the html document using the hyperlink tag within the head section of the html. START CODING :- First, we create an html file(index.html). After growing the html record, we're going to supply name to our webpage us...

How to create Music player with pure HTML, CSS, JS

create Music player Hello Developer, Now a days we'll see, how we will without difficulty create a music player using html, css and javascript. no different library. we've got a clean operating slider in our home phase and we also have horizontal scrolling. and the best part of this tune player is it minimizing music player. yes, you may decrease and maximize the player itself. makes this mission an awesome track player. DOWNLOAD CODE JOIN OUR GROUP Download Codes Download File Write Code  Before you start writing code first you create a folder and files then write a music player code so without wasting your time let's get started.  Create Music Player File You can see we have a file name index....